Q&A With Steve Wojciechowski

Have you seen a point guard situation at Duke as unique as the one this year?

We look at it as a real positive, to have two point guards, guys who are both high-caliber ACC-level point guards is a strength of our team. They can play separately, they can play together, and they both bring different things to the table. Greg has great experience, he's been a really good player for us, and Nolan has done a great job for us early in the season. We're really pleased where both those guys are. We need to get Greg back to 100 percent healthy, and when we do, he'll be even better.

We know about Greg's forearm contusion, but is his knee injury still lingering?

I think it feels very good. The thing that most people don't know is that he was out most of the summer, and as a player, when you miss those large chunks of time, that's not an easy thing. He's continued to work himself back. For the most part, I think he feels good. He's anxious to do whatever it takes to help our team win.

It's often said that being the Duke point guard is like being the Notre Dame quarterback—it's a really scrutinized position. Does that lead to a sort of fraternity of Duke point guards. Do you stick together more than other positions because of that?

One of the benefits is guys have been through it, the highs and lows of playing a position that's scrutinized. There are many more positives that come from it than there are negatives. One, you get a chance to play in big games, on the biggest stage, where everybody's watching. When you do well, you reap the rewards of that. When you don't do well, you have to face those things, too. As a competitor, I would think most competitors would want to be in that type of situation.

Speaking of competition, have you gotten a chance to see North Carolina play yet?

We were out recruiting and I got in last night to catch it, and as soon as I turned it on, I heard [Dick] Vitale saying, "I'm watching an NBA team." I wanted to make sure I had it on the right channel. But they're outstanding. They're the best team right now. But the best team doesn't always win, and that's why you play the games.


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