Graham owes readers an apology

With all respect due to Matt Graham, his Oct. 29 column, "Conservative hypocrisy," was quite insulting and foolish. He begins by setting up Barry Goldwater as the only true ideal of conservatism, and focuses his entire argument around how the modern Republican Party does not follow all of Goldwater's ideals and beliefs.

First, I want to point out the most egregious insult in the column. In describing the 1964 election, and how Goldwater garnered support in the southeast, Graham states, "Goldwater opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act because of states' rights, which white southerners misinterpreted as racism." I had to read that twice before I believed Graham was serious: Graham just labeled all white southerners as racist. I am not here to apologize for whatever grievances Graham might have with the South, but Graham has insulted me, my family, many of my friends and particularly my elderly friends who voted in that election. I would like to request a retraction, a rephrasing or an apology from Graham and whoever let that audacious affront slide.

On and on the column rolls, informing me that social conservatives are hypocrites who from this initial racist misunderstanding of conservative philosophy have become tyrants, dictating to people what to think and how to behave. Graham is no longer painting with a broad brush; he is dumping out the whole bucket. Perhaps Graham should learn to think before he speaks.

All this being said and done, here are some facts Graham might want to check up on: Gov. Sarah Palin was not chosen as a vice presidential nominee based purely on her gender. Sen. John McCain supports the Bush tax cuts because they worked. White Southerners are not, as a rule, racist. Conservatism cannot be summed up in one man or singular ideal.

Robert Dodson

Pratt '09


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