Assault reported on Central

Three of the five people who allegedly assaulted and robbed a sophomore male on campus around 10:15 p.m. Friday have been arrested and are being held by Durham Police.

Sherika Burnette, 19, Zecora Hajambo, 17, and another female, 13, whose name was not released, were arrested on counts of robbery with a dangerous weapon and assault with a deadly weapon causing serious injury. Burnette and Hajambo were also charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The two men who were with them are still at large.

The student was walking back to his Central Campus apartment after a meeting on West Campus when a black man approached him and demanded money, the victim said. He ignored the request and continued to walk, at which point another suspect ran up and punched him, he said.

The student immediately began to run toward his apartment until he tripped and fell to the ground near Uncle Harry's General Store. He said all five assailants then surrounded him and began attacking him. He then threw his money to the ground and ran back to his apartment, he said. In the shuffle, his iPod was dropped or taken, but it was recovered later by the police.

"[The police] have found the box cutter, and it was covered in blood," the victim said. "I was probably stabbed with it in the back of my head. I guess it's really true-when adrenaline's that bad, you don't feel pain."

Once at his apartment, the student called 911. Duke University Police Department officers arrived first to his apartment and called Emergency Medical Services.

The student said he was admitted to Duke University Hospital for treatment of the three-inch cut across the back of his neck, for which he received four staples. Durham police, in conjunction with DUPD, apprehended the three black females on the intersection of Erwin and Fulton streets at Parking Lot II of the Medical Center.

DUPD Maj. Gloria Graham praised the smooth coordination between DUPD and Durham's finest, as well as and the action of officers in DUPD.

Burnette and Hajambo are currently in the Durham County Jail, and the 13-year-old is in a detention center. All suspects are being held on approximately $300,000 bonds, which have not been met, Graham said. The minor had a hearing yesterday to determine her delinquency, she added.

Hajambo was arrested June 11 for misdemeanor larceny and was released the following day on a $500 bond, according to public inmate records.

Durham police issued a CrimeStoppers report Tuesday in hopes of finding more leads on the men who remain at large, said Kammie Michael, public information officer and public relations coordinator for DPD. The primary investigation, however, is being conducted through DUPD.

Both of the remaining suspects are described as black men in their late teens. One is described as a 6-feet tall black male, and the other was described as a 5-feet-7-inch black male.

University administrators have reached out to the student, and the victim is doing well and attending his summer classes, Dean of Students Sue Wasiolek said.

"Any incident involving violent crime makes us concerned about the Duke community and the safety of its members," she said. "This kind of incident can happen anywhere-it just puts us in a position where we all need to be more alert and more aware."

Some students said the crime did not surprise them, citing frequent crime in Durham. Others said they generally consider campus safe and were unsettled by the alleged assault.

"I've never seen anyone that didn't belong around Central Campus," said junior Nicole Schneider. "During the day, I feel completely safe, and I just don't go out at night."

Wasiolek said DUPD has since increased patrols in that area of campus.

She stressed that safety and security on campus is a partnership between students and the University, and both groups can help keep Duke a safe place.

"With the University, there are things we do and need to do in terms of safety on campus, but there are things students can do, too... particularly late at night," she said.


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