film brief

With the Full Frame Documentary Festival now over, it would seem Hollywood has shifted its eyes back to the west coast, but Durham is continuing to play host to some of the most unique film events in the country.

On April 14 and 15, the Screen/Society branch of Duke's Film/Video/Digital program will host screenings of Fragments of Conversations With Jean-Luc Godard and Bergman's Island, two rarely seen documentaries about famed film directors. Both films are considered hallmarks for their presentation of two elusive and legendary filmmakers.

Ingmar Bergman is considered one of the most important filmmakers of the 20th century, and the Bergman film is significant given the director's reclusive behavior and unwillingness to grant interviews. This film presents a rare opportunity to see him at the end of his life and is the condensed version of a three-hour TV mini-series shown in Europe.

Meanwhile, the Godard film about the famous French director focuses mostly taken from Godard's residency at a French film school.

The films also do not have U.S. distributors, making it very rare to find a screening of them in the States. In fact, Screen/Society Program Coordinator Hank Okazaki said he spent approximately six months seeking the rights to Island. He added that both films have rarely been shown in the U.S., especially outside of major cities.

"For people who are interested in the highlights of European cinema, they might be interested in both of these films," Okazaki said.

Moreover, the films fit into two series Screen/Society is sponsoring this semester: Fragments, directed by Alain Fleischer and part of the Arts in Focus: Documentary Films of Alain Felischer series, and Island, part of the Celebrating Ingmar Bergman series.

The films shown earlier in the semester as a part of both series have not been well attended. FVD Chair David Paletz said he sees these films as an opportunity for Duke students to be exposed to two prolific filmmakers and expand their knowledge of film in general.

"It probably says something about how much more we need to do on film education at Duke that we don't have Griffith full for those films," Paletz said. "It's a rare opportunity for students to see those films."

-Andrew Hibbard

Fragments of Conversations With Jean-Luc Godard will screen Monday, April 14 at 7 p.m. in Griffith Theater. Bergman's Island will screen the following day, Tuesday, April 15 at 7 p.m. in Griffith Theater. Both events are sponsored by Screen/Society and more information is available at


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