Duke, remove campus from smoking haze

In response to the Nov. 14 editorial "Don't head down the tobacco-ban road," I would like to thank Vice President for Student Affairs Larry Moneta.

How can there be any other response to someone who so kindly supports the practice of smoking and has added ash urns scattered throughout campus? Now students do not only benefit from random inhalations of cigarette smoke while walking across campus, we can also be met by the continual stench whenever entering a building by any non-main entrance.

Other universities are not becoming too parental by placing further restrictions on smoking, they are standing up for the rights of the majority of students who would prefer the clean air displayed in the brochure pictures. Smoking restrictions are not designed to convert smokers; they are intended to protect the rights of non-smokers. Duke should not be taking a stand against the rest of the world, which is slowly becoming smoke free, but instead recognize a problem and find a solution. The joy of standing in line outside of Cameron should not be diminished by the smoke from those few enjoying their privilege to puff anywhere outdoors on campus.

The administration has refused to take care of us, so we should stand up and support our rights to clean up the cigarette butts and smoky air encompassing our wonderful school. So once again, I thank you Larry Moneta for refusing the obvious need for change and continuing to keep Duke in a haze.

Kristen Fricke

Pratt '11


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