VaTech tragedy shines light on gun control

The tragedy that occurred a few days ago in Blacksburg, Va., is an event that few of us will ever forget. Thirty-two people, two guns. Legally bought, background checks and all. Even with the laws properly followed, guns still led to more violence, pain and despair. The solution is drastic but obvious. These true weapons of mass destruction need to be banned. Every day, hundreds die from botched robberies, jealous lovers or deranged strangers all made relevant by the barrel of a 9mm. The second amendment that protects this "right" to bear death is outdated at best. If far right-wing conservatives really want to be pro-life, they should first look in their living rooms.

The weapons of mass destruction aren't 10,000 miles away. They are in millions of living rooms, offices and cars throughout America.

Daniel Agarwal

Trinity '09


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