Women's tennis bows out from ITAs

The four day ITA Mideast Regionals, held in Chapel Hill, ended early for Duke Sunday, as the remaining singles and doubles teams were ousted in the tournament's quarterfinals.

Although the team finished with quarterfinal losses from freshman Amanda Granson in singles, and sophomores Jessi Robinson and Melissa Mang in doubles, head coach Jamie Ashworth was pleased with the performances.

"There were definite positives," he said, commenting especially on the play of seniors Kristin Cargill and Tory Zawacki who were limited last year by injuries. "The more matches they play, the better we'll be."

Thursday began with two singles wins for senior Parker Goyer and a doubles win when she and fellow senior Clelia Deltour defeated a team from East Tennessee State. Duke built on that success Friday, when the squad totaled six wins in singles and three in doubles. Freshmen Amanda Granson and Elizabeth Plotkin won their singles matches and Granson also won her doubles match with Zawacki against a UNC-Charlotte duo. Ashworth was especially pleased with the freshmen, he said.

On Saturday, the freshmen found the most success in singles as Granson posted wins against players from Tennessee and North Carolina. Plotkin won her first match but eventually fell to Carolina Salge of Clemson. The doubles team of Robinson and Mang was the only one to win Saturday, defeating a team from Kentucky, 8-6.

After the Blue Devils' success ended Sunday, Ashworth said the team is feeling comfortable, but it needs to work on finishing.


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