Questions for... John Danowski

John Danowski, a former National Lacrosse Coach of the Year, spent 21 years as the head coach at Hofstra University. After the resignation of former head lacrosse coach Mike Pressler last spring, Danowski joined his son, senior Matt, as a Blue Devil. TV's Sophia Peters talks to the coach about his adjustment to Duke.

I hear that you've been having early morning practices. Why?

I'm trying to do two things. First, I'm trying to get everything done in the morning so that the rest of the day is theirs. Second, in order to achieve something difficult, you are going to have to sacrifice.

No college kid likes getting out of bed at 6 a.m. when the moon is still out for the first 20 minutes of practice. But I hope they'll look back in the springtime and say that we didn't sacrifice so much just to give up now.

How are you dealing with the small three-member freshman class?

They've been terrific. We actually have a class of seven-two recruited walk-ons and two true walk-ons. I'm not too worried about it; it could be a problem in one or two years, but I'm not focusing on it now. Once we get everyone back-we have two abroad and two on a leave of absence-we'll have a full roster.

What are the main differences you see between Duke students and Hofstra students?

[Laugh] Well, the Duke students, so far, are so used to being successful at whatever they do. They work so hard and are so intelligent that they are too hard on themselves when they don't meet their goals.

In lacrosse, the game is so fast and there are so many plays that you don't have time to dwell on what you did wrong. I'm trying to teach them that you aren't going to get it right every time.

How are you adjusting to the new team? How is the fall season progressing?

We are doing things a little differently this season. I'm really trying to get them to think outside the box. For example, we are doing yoga every Friday morning to improve their flexibility and balance.

Also, we are doing Saturday night date nights at the volleyball game. The whole team will be going to the volleyball games together and everyone will bring a date. I'm trying to challenge them to do some things differently this year.

How is it coaching your son Matt? Does it ever put you or him in an awkward position?

Well-and I can only give you my perspective-it was a little uncomfortable at first. As a coach you have to fight that instinct to be harder on your own son. Honestly, it's new, it's different, it's awkward, but it's getting better every day.

What do you like most about Durham?

106.1 FM. It is the greatest station I've ever listened to. I don't think I've turned it off since I have been here. At home, I have to change the radio station all the time to get songs I like, but here it's all on 106.1.

(Editor's note: 106.1 WRDU switched from classic rock to country music on October 10th. Our condolences to Mr. Danowski.)


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