The Pedestrian Plan that Duke recently submitted to Durham's Development Review Board for approval is woefully inadequate. Duke's plan leaves off a significant number of future sidewalks-which gives the University a pass on sidewalk requirements outlined in Durham's ordinance.
In public hearings, Duke has repeatedly affirmed the importance of sidewalks and pedestrian connectivity. A review of its pedestrian plan suggests that talk is cheap.
According to local officials, Duke seems to be working behind the scenes to avoid building sidewalks near its projects. Here are three examples:
Although a sidewalk is required in Duke's current site plan for the new Center for Integrative Medicine, the University is trying to eliminate a sidewalk along Cameron Boulevard, undermining an important integrative characteristic of the new center. Local officials have indicated that Duke wants to re-submit a site plan that will omit the sidewalk (based on the new, weaker requirements in Duke's proposed pedestrian plan). One negative effect of this change is that it would be more dangerous for the many people who walk along Cameron Boulevard to football games and other events at Wallace Wade stadium.
Duke was also supposed to build a sidewalk in front recently expanded and renovated Washington Duke Inn on Cameron Boulevard, a big money maker for the non-profit University. While the local planning ordinance states that Duke's new sidewalks must have the same functionality as conventional sidewalks, Duke is trying to argue that the jogging trail fulfills this requirement. Some must wonder how a dirt trail covered with mulch that goes back into the woods is the same thing as a paved, all-weather, pedestrian-friendly sidewalk along Cameron Boulevard.
Duke is trying to argue that the gravel trail around the inside of the East Campus wall serves the same function as a sidewalk and that therefore, Duke shouldn't have to build sidewalks around East Campus. While the gravel trail inside the East Campus wall might be suitable for joggers and dog walkers, it is not the same as a sidewalk designed to facilitate pedestrian traffic. Does Duke seriously expect a pedestrian-a parent pushing a baby stroller-to climb over the wall at the corner in order to walk along Buchanan, Markham, Broad, or Swift?
Finally, with regards to the Central Campus redevelopment, concerned neighbors have asked Duke several times to pay special attention to the northern pedestrian portals at Anderson Street and at Ninth Street. Duke officials have assured us they will attend to these matters-assurances that are called into question as Duke's recent efforts to avoid including adequate, appropriate sidewalks in their site plans come to light. Instead of trying to save money, Duke should create a safer environment for students, visitors, fans and neighbors. Instead of scaling back their commitments to sidewalks, Duke should be working even harder to build better, pedestrian-friendly bridges with Durham.
John Schelp
Resident, Old West Durham Neighborhood
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