Athletics, Chronicle deserve praise

Thank you for the Sept. 12 editorial entitled "The same rules apply," which praised the athletic department for, among other things, not creating a separate code of conduct for athletes. Athletes are first and foremost Duke students, the editorial board noted, and a separate code "would almost invalidate [the] authority of the Duke Community Standard."

The new Student-Athlete Handbook states these points quite explicitly and positively: "As members of a community of scholars and learners, we reaffirm our commitment to the principles and values expressed in the Duke Community Standard-the honor code to which all undergraduates pledge themselves--and the policies derived from it." I commend Athletics for taking this step to strengthen the role of the DCS in the lives of student-athletes, and The Chronicle for remarking on it. Both actions are important educational tools, reinforcing the importance of community and the need for personal commitment to the high standards of honor expressed in the Duke Community Standard.

Judith Ruderman

Vice Provost for Academic and Administrative Services; Vice Provost and Chair, Academic Integrity Council


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