AQUA Duke not irresponsible

Most people think we are a swim team. Or at least, that is the typical question I receive when I man the AQUADuke booth at the Activities Fair. We are an organization of LGBT individuals who for the most part go unnoticed by the typical Duke student. AQUADuke as well as many other cultural groups have tried recently to breakout into the mainstream, to change the university climate.

The original intent of the Of Montreal concert was just this: The chance to bring the Duke student body into AQUADuke's annual Coming Out Week events. It was our original hope this year to bring a speaker, specifically an LGBT athlete, to campus who would discuss his/her experiences. We thought this dialogue would be most appropriate and planned in our budget for this event. Over the course of the year, this seemed increasingly impossible, and a call to the LGBT community for band suggestions was made.

An individual student, not affiliated with AQUADuke, contacted us and attempted to help us organize this concert. No contract was signed; the Women's Center did not give funds. I apologize to OSAF, DSG and any others who felt that they were negotiating with AQUADuke by negotiating with this individual.

I implore all student organizations to be cautious when planning events. However, AQUADuke does not want it to be known that we are irresponsible individuals nor do we want it to be thought that we were bailed out. I hope that I and my fellow officers have not damaged AQUADuke's relationship with the University or the student body. I know that everyone will enjoy the concert and appreciates OSAF and DSG's diligence. I hope that other organizations can learn from this event as I have. I further hope that the Duke student body will still come out to the NC Pride Parade and other Coming Out Week Events.

Snapper Underwood President, AQUADuke


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