Shame on Nifong and the DPD

As both a Durham resident and Duke student, I am appalled at the recent events and actions taken by the DA's office and Police Department in their investigation of the Duke Lacrosse team. The Police Department and DA's office went out and DNA tested all of the white members of the Lacrosse Team as a method of punishing them for not talking to police, even though the DA's office even admits that several of the players were not at the party.

Mike Nifong has used this case as a political opportunity and has further stirred up racial discord in Durham in an attempt to win his bid for election to the District Attorney's office. Instead of waiting to receive all of the evidence, Mr. Nifong has tried this case in the public forum and received the conviction he was searching for from many throughout the city, country, and media. However, now that the DNA evidence has returned, Mr. Nifong intends to pursue this case, and who can be surprised by this. He almost certainly has no chance of winning the election if he drops this case to which he has so publicly tied himself.

I can only hope that the voters of Durham send Mr. Nifong a message and that the next DA of Durham County decides to try cases in the court room, rather than the court of public opinion.

Richard Bailey

Trinity '06


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