Policy change for Saturday's game

Due to the timing of the football game and the basketball game on Saturday, there were concerns that some students might feel they had to choose between the football game and getting in line early for the basketball game. Because we want to encourage everyone to attend the football game and cheer on our seniors’ final victory in Wallace Wade, we will be working with a modified policy for the basketball line. Here is how Saturday’s line for the basketball game will work:

Prior to the start of the football game at 12 p.m., anyone may join the line in K-ville. At 11:45 a.m., line monitors will register everyone who is already in line. At that time, everyone should go to the football game.

The line monitors will do the same. If you wish to join the line during the football game, please go to Wallace Wade stadium and find the line monitors sitting in the student section. We will be wearing our jackets and standing right next to one of the staircases for easy access. Because we are effectively giving grace for the football game, we will be requiring that groups have two-thirds of their members present at the time of registration rather than the normal half. Groups may have up to six people. After the game has ended, anyone who registered before or during the football game will have 20 minutes to get in line in K-ville before we will have a line check.

We are strongly encouraging, but not requiring, that students who register at the football game remain there the entire time. This policy is in place to avoid having people skip the football game or leave the football game early to get in line. Once the line has re-formed in K-ville after the game, normal walk-up rules will apply for the remaining time before the game.

This is the season finale for football, and the season opener for basketball, so it’s a big day. Please come out and support the football team, and especially the seniors, in full force as they beat Carolina and retain the Victory Bell! Go Duke!


Steve Rawson

Head Line Monitor


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