Letters to the Editor: Organ donors make a big difference

The Jesica Santillan tragedy created lots of publicity about the need for more organ donors. A year later, the organ shortage continues to grow.

The shortage of human organs for transplant operations kills over 6,000 Americans every year. The solution is simple--if you don't agree to donate your organs when you die, then you go to the back of the waiting list if you ever need an organ to live.

A grass-roots group of organ donors called LifeSharers is making this idea a reality one member at a time.

LifeSharers is a non-profit network of organ donors. LifeSharers Members agree to donate their organs when they die, but they give fellow members "first dibs" on their organs.

This creates a pool of organs available first to members. The existence of this pool gives other people an incentive to sign donor cards and join the network, and this incentive grows stronger as the network expands.

Anyone who wants to donate their organs to others who have agreed to donate theirs can join LifeSharers at http://www.lifesharers.com. Membership in the organizaton is free.

LifeSharers has been in operation for 20 months, and has attracted 2,047 members in 49 states and the District of Columbia, including 95 members in North Carolina.

David Undis

Executive Director, LifeSharers


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