Letter to the Editor: Sports, politics are tools for Kerry

The "W" shirts of a few students apparently ruined the enjoyment of the FSU game, for some people.

But it appears to be the principle of political sports expression they are objecting to.

I assume that Mark Pike and Melissa Latham have also dashed off angry letters to the Boston Bruins, who provided John Kerry with extensive free advertising by inviting him to skate in one of their practices. In fact, since Kerry actually got to play (he scored twice!), they must be much more upset.

It's not like Kerry or his supporters were in the stands; these people used their media power as sports figure to advantage Kerry on the field of play itself.

As I said, I'm sure that Pike and Latham objected strongly to Kerry's craven (in their view) action. The alternative would lead me to believe that they are making a purely partisan point, and I would never expect such hypocrisy from Democrats.

Michael Munger
The author is the chair of the Department of Political Science


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