Letter to the Editor: Editorial pages have become shameful

Tal Hirshberg writes that this year "The Chronicle has been nothing short of gossip and social commentary." He then proceeds to do what? Yes, write about how he could have wrote a provoking, abusurd commentary on Duke's social sexual fascination, but somehow it didn't clear censors.


As a former columnist for three years, myself, I am personally ashamed at what The Chronicle editorial pages have become.


I am so fatigued at flipping through to find yet another columnist obssessed with his or her, or his fellow students' sex lives.


Duke students aren't all spolied, sex-crazed white kids hungry to write about who is sleeping with whom. And yet, it is they whose opinions were chosen to represent the University.


That should stop, period. If hooking up really is all that's important to those applying for a chance to speak to thousands of people... then stop printing student voices for awhile.


Run blank pages, run ads, run extra crosswords for the kids bored in class.


At some point the Duke community needs to feel real anger at having such a shallow stigma branded upon it. There are too many talented people at Duke with real stories to tell. I want to hear from them.

Otherwise, I'd just as soon have silence.


Nick Christie

Trinity '02

The author is a former Chronicle columnist and sports associate.


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