The Instant Reaction

Before and after seeing The Passion of the Christ at Southpoint Cinemas, Recess interviewed the diverse audience to see what they had to say:

On why they came:

"It's like Star Wars, but for Jesus."

--A man in his 20's, dressed as a shepherd, with his sister (also a shepherd) and their friend dressed as an angel.

"I read the Book, so I thought I would come see the movie."

--Ron, 54

"My husband dragged me here."

--Sylvia, 53

On the Anti-Semitism controversy:

"There's been tons of films with a negative portrayal of Catholics, and nobody got upset about it. Now just because it's an oppressed minority, everyone's saying it's so offensive. Get over it."

--Caitlin, 19

"The Jews didn't kill Jesus. Everyone killed Jesus, and the movie shows that."

--Heidi, 35

"The Romans were clearly the ones crucifying him. To say the movie is anti-Semitic is just stupid."

--Danielle, 30

"There's people saying this movie was made to attack Jewish people, and I think that's ridiculous. It's not against Jewish people, it's against the specific people of the time who did certain things. The Jews of today weren't alive back then. Blaming the Jews now would be like blaming white people today for slavery."

--Linda, 33

On the Christian message:

"It was important for [me to bring my son], because I wanted him to hear and see the story as well as talk about it in church. It's kind of like a "Bible picture book".... Sometimes people see the story of Christ as a superhero story. I see the movie as a way for people to really see the humanity of Christ, that he was a man, that he was us, that's what I want my son to get."

--George, 45, with Kane, 9

"Satan needed to be in the story and his appearance was the perfect amount. Any more would have been too much, but his presence was essential."

--Steve , 42

"I think it was an emotional experience. I wouldn't call it a religious experience."

--John, 42

On the violence:

"It depicted what we all are. There is a bit of Jew and Roman in all of us."

--Linda, 37

"Look around the streets of L.A. or even Durham. There is violence like that in so many movies. From what I have read about the crucifixion, that was a very accurate portrayal of the violence."

--Ashley, 29


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