Letter to the Editor: Interracial relationships acceptable

In Phil Kurian's Nov. 17 effort to start dialogue on interracial relationships, he condemns those relationships which are founded on stereotypes and disingenuous motives. He also lists a number of ways that various communities resist interracial dating. If Kurian is attempting to criticize racist condemnations of interracial relationships, why does he withhold his own support of such relationships? Perhaps society's overt racism towards interracial couples and alienation from one's own race are serving as deterrents for Kurian.

However, condemning society's response to interracial relationships is not the same as saying that the relationships should not take place. Kurian presents racist reasons for withholding support of interracial relationships, yet his rejection of such racism is insufficient at best. While Kurian may choose to advocate caution because of the social backlash against interracial couples, condemning the practice of interracial relationships is unacceptable. Rejecting interracial relationships is not an appropriate response to the fact that our society ostracizes interracial couples.

The racism inherent in the rejection of interracial relationships must be swiftly and completely condemned.

Adam Hollowell

Trinity '04

Kosha Tucker



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