Whatchu lookin' at? Scoping out the concert

For anyone who ever questioned why Ludacris chose to play at Duke... this is for you. Recess reveals the craziest, most contradictory occurrences. Did anyone else notice:

*Dean Sue ushering for Ludacris in shiny white pearls? Only Duke. The only thing cooler would have been if Larry Moneta had been bling blingin'.

* Abercrombie & Fitch-clad Dukies clutching Coach purses thuggin' it out with ghetto-fabulous dance moves. "Wait...this isn't a Dave Matthews concert?!"

* How much Carolina blue Ludacris' back-up dancers were sporting? Personally, we liked the Spongebob Squarepants shirt.

* The most mismatched outfit at the show: a "Ludacris, Make me a woman." T-shirt and a Louis Vuitton purse.

* The loudest the audience cheered during the opening act was in response to a reference to the basketball team. Hey, this is Duke, after all.

*"Blah-blah-blah-HO-blah-blah-AREA CODES-blah-blah-GOODNIGHT!" The acoustics in Cameron left a little something to be desired. It was sort of like accidentally buying the album's censored version--or the foreign language equivalent.


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