Grid Picks

CAMERON INDOOR STADIUM -- The Grid Pickers, inveterate hip-hop devotees that they are, were excited for the Ludacris concert. Through their connections in the ATL, all of the Grid Pickers were able to secure backstage passes at Cameron. It was an enlightening experience to hang around with Luda, or Chris Bridges, as his marriage license to Cathe- "Ryne Sandberg was the best baseball player ever" Sullivan puts it.

Enjoying Luda's pre-show routine were Gabe "? Fine by me." Githens and Ted "When I grow up I want to be a fire" Mann, who admired Bridges' strict regimen of Echinacea tablets and yoga. That was a drugs joke, for those of you keeping score.

The Ludacris concert is the biggest event in Cameron since the joint Peter Frampton/Merle Haggard concert of 1977, where Jane "Heather Janington" Hetherington's parents first met. Ka- Ren "and Stimpy" Hauptmann was at that concert, roadying for Frampton, with whom she still keeps in touch.

Jesse Col- Vin "g Rhames would play me in Grid Picks: The Movie" was doing his best Ray Lewis impression, but stopped short of actually killing anybody. Andrew "talking with me is like 40 minutes of hell" Collins was representing for the dirty south and showing off his Wesley Clark tattoo.

Paul "McCartney's musical talents were dwarfed by Linda's" Crowley waited backstage during the show, trying on Ludacris' clothes and playing Boggle with the Field Mob, who liked him way better than they did Mike "My favorite CD is 'What's The Story, Morning" Corey. Corey watched the concert from the front row, but was ejected after asking the DJ to play the Ohio State fight song.

Matt "chmaker, matchmaker, make me a match" Sullivan worked crowd control, keeping Ludacris free of female stalkers with his boyish good looks and a Taser. For those keeping score, it's Drug References 1, Fiddler on the Roof references 1. Paula "When life gives you lemons, make" Lehman "ade" tried to get on stage to plug her new EP, "Paula Sings Cole Porter" but was thwarted by Sully.

Anthony "Why did the chicken" Cross "the road?" saw this joke coming from furlongs away. Assad "Ludacris isn't as good as" Nas --r was at home, reading The Source. Robbie "I do not like Green Eggs and Ham, I do not like them," Sam "I am" --uel was inconspicuously a part of Ludacris' posse, wearing a Yinka Dare Jersey and Timbalands and tossing out an occasional "Hell yeah."

After the show Jake "My life has been no bed of" Poses and Tyler "Corn" Rose --n compared difficult upbringings. Nobody won. Alex "Party on," Gar "th" --inger was unstoppable at the post-show party, owing Luda with his George W. Bush impression and his tee-shirt that said "Copy edit this!" complete with a downward arrow. Mala "my name is" vika "vika Slim Shady" Prabhu is a rap fan from way back.


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