Female followed on East
A student reported that at 10:50 p.m. Aug. 17, she was walking from Randolph Dormitory to Blackwell Dormitory. She said a male followed behind her. As she started to walk faster, so did the male behind her. She entered Blackwell and immediately closed the door preventing the male from entering. He grabbed the handle and pulled but did not get in. He stood there looking at her through the window, then left.
Car nearly stolen
A visitor reported that at 10:55 a.m. Aug. 17, he parked his vehicle at the jogging trails off Route 751 and threw his keys on the seat. He left his vehicle unsecured with the keys on the seat and walked approximately 50 yards toward a friend in the same parking lot. As he and the friend were walking toward the entry to the trail, they saw his car being driven toward them. He got in front of the vehicle and pulled the suspect out.
Subsequent investigation resulted in a warrant being issued for Adrian Ensley, DOB 09-11-62, 3000 Weaver St., Apartment #1. Ensley could not be reached for comment.
CD player grabbed
An employee reported that between 4 and 8:35 p.m. Aug. 24, while his vehicle was parked at the rear of Brown Dormitory, someone stole his $300 Sony detachable CD player.
Palm pilot pinched
An employee reported that between the hours of 11 p.m. Aug. 20 and 9 a.m. Aug. 21, someone entered room 0405 in Duke North and stole a $280 Hewlett Packard palm pilot and 15 compact discs valued at $300. The room was unsecured.
Scam e-mail sent
A student reported receiving a suspicious e-mail message Aug. 24, in which an individual claimed to be an exiled person from South Africa. The e-mail message also stated that the person's brother was soon to be exiled, and that the two were with the South African Planned Parenthood Organization and needed help. He said this group fights abortion, causing him and his brother to be exiled. He said they had over $66 million and would give 10 percent to anyone who would allow them to use their bank account to hole the cash.
DUPD Maj. Robert Dean advises students not to give bank account information to any strangers.
Weed trimmer stolen
An employee reported that between 10 a.m. and 1:09 p.m. Aug. 21, someone removed a $250 Echo gas-powered weed trimmer from the rear of a Duke utility truck while it was parked outside of the Civitan Building.
Headlight smashed in parking lot
An employee reported that between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Aug. 15, her vehicle was parked in the H parking lot in the Medical Center. During that time someone broke her headlight, causing $128 in damage.
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