Letter: Columnist's assault against DCU unwarranted

The fact that Martin Barna, in his pathetic palaver, entitled "Duke's Three Stooges," demonstrates once again that he knows nothing about which he wrote should surprise no one. I resigned as co-chair of the Undergraduate Judicial Board a year ago because a disturbing pattern of the University's different treatment of race had become evident to me. This trend culminated in my witnessing the UJB's use of a racial quota system, which is unacceptable and to which I would not be party. By not comprehending that most people are able to suspend their political endeavors while discharging non-political responsibilities, as was the case with my three-year affiliation with the UJB, Barna has betrayed his own pervasive political motivations. This leads one to wonder how well The Chronicle's editorial page was edited during his tenure as editorial page editor. I do, moreover, question why Barna included his feeble jab at both me and the political student group that I co-founded in the first place. Was it the mark of a characteristically undisciplined mind? Or did he endeavor meretriciously to temper his unusual criticism of the anti-war read: leftist movement at Duke with his customary ill-informed, left-liberal drivel, so as to assure his ideological brethren that he had not deserted their flock? Irrespective, he should end his desperate attempts to relive his thoroughly undistinguished college years and write something about which he knows.


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