Letter: Anti-Rutter graffiti will not silence those for peace

In response to the graffiti on the bridge targeting a member of our community, we write in the spirit of the Danes. The story goes that when the Nazis ordered the Jewish people of Denmark to wear yellow stars, everyone in the country put one on. To whomever it was who wrote "Jessica Rutter out of Duke" on the East Campus bridge at the end of last week, we say, we are all Jessica Rutter, there are hundreds of us who stand for peace at Duke. This is where we study and live and think and act and love and will remain. If the bridgewriter thinks that one person leaving campus will slake our thirst for justice, the willingness to question authority, and our deep and abiding passion for the human rights of all people, they are sadly mistaken.

Netta van Vliet

Graduate School '09

Diane Nelson

Assistant Professor

Department of Cultural Anthropology

And 76 Others


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