Flier complaint

The Duke Student Government election commission ruled Monday night that a complaint - filed by one presidential candidate against an opponent late Sunday night - was unsubstantiated.

Junior Shaomeng Wang, who filed the complaint against junior Taylor Collison, cited violations of flyering policies, specifically that Collison's supporters had taken down posted campaign advertisements for other candidates.

"The election commission ruled that all of the evidence presented was circumstantial," said senior Will Fagan, chair of the election commission and DSG attorney general.

Rather, Fagan said, those posters were probably removed by people unaffiliated with the campaign. "Any of the housekeeping staff, residential coordinators, residential advisers or people who don't like DSG could have [taken down campaign flyers]," he said. "It's happened in the past. It's been common."

Collison firmly denied all allegations, adding that he had lost about 40 percent of his own advertisements, which had been taken down over the course of the campaign.

"Taylor has been very forthcoming about all of this. He has been very available," Fagan said, adding that Collison attended the election commission's meeting Monday night to offer his side of the story. Fagan said he was unable to reach Wang to invite him to the meeting.

Wang could not be reached for comment.


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