Panhel elects new leaders

The Panhellenic Council has elected its new officers, who will serve until February 2003. They include: junior Devon MacWilliam, president; junior Whitney Evans, executive vice president; junior Anna Burkhead, vice president of recruitment; sophomore Ellen McGinnis, director of administration and order; sophomore Mary Ellison Baars, director of philanthropy and community service; junior Laura Beatty, director of risk management; junior Diane Blackburn, director of publications; sophomore Jessica Chilson, director of programming and special events; junior Colleen Nolan, director of finance; and junior Monica Melchionni, director of public relations.

The Duke Endowment names Franklin vice chair

Historian John Hope Franklin, a trustee of The Duke Endowment since 1993, was elected vice chair of the board at the Endowment's February 4 meeting.

Franklin has distinguished himself in the service of The Duke Endowment, specifically in the service of his profession, his country and the aspirations of people throughout the world, said Russell Robinson II, chair of The Duke Endowment's board.

Franklin succeeds outgoing vice chair Louis Stephens, retired president and CEO of Pilot Life Insurance, who is retiring from the board after 21 years of involvement. Hugh Chapman, retired Bank of America executive, also serves as vice chair of the Endowment.

Allen named Student Preacher

Junior David Allen has been selected from a pool of undergraduate candidates as this year's Student Preacher for the Sunday morning service of worship at the Chapel Feb. 16 at 11 a.m. His sermon is entitled "Societal Leprosies, Personal Solutions." The service is ecumenical and all are invited to attend.

Allen is a member of the Bridgewater United Methodist Church in New Jersey. A public policy major, he is a former student pastor for the United Methodist campus ministry group, the Wesley Fellowship at Duke.

Lunar New Year celebration set for Saturday

The Asian Student Association is celebrating Lunar New Year at 8 p.m. Feb. 15 in Page Auditorium. Tickets for the show, titled "Legacy" this year, will be available between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on the Bryan Center Walkway and between 5 and 8 p.m. at the Marketplace every day this week until they run out. Organizers will also be distributing a limited number of free dinner tickets.

Latino conference to be held this weekend

The Second Annual Latino/a Issues Conference at Duke University, "Seeds of Change: Latino/a Citizenship(s) in the Here and Now," will take place Feb. 14 to 15. Over 80 people have already registered for this year's conference, which will include four panel sessions, a dance performance and live band.


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