Editorial: Wisnewski for C.I.

Only one candidate, sophomore Andrew Wisnewski, is running for Duke Student Government vice president for community interaction. Wisnewski brings several good ideas and much enthusiasm to the table, but at the same time he needs to think more carefully about several important aspects of his job.

As vice president for community interaction, one must define what the community is. Wisnewski needs to be more clear in his agenda about what community he's serving, but from his ideas, it seems like he largely views Duke, not Durham, as the community.

Wisnewski's biggest idea is to build community by having multiple groups sponsor events. That is, if one group is trying to bring a speaker to campus, Wisnewski proposes that other groups link up with that first group and jointly sponsor the event, arguing that this will promote community interaction and increase the profile of and attendance at these events. This is a good idea, but one wonders whether DSG's role should only be bringing groups together.

The major problem Wisnewksi faces, as all vice presidents for community interaction face, is how to turn rhetoric into action, how to transform the various forums and discussions DSG inevitably hosts into a real community.

The Chronicle formally endorses Andrew Wisnewski for the position of DSG vice president for community interaction.


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