Stats 101
On a daily basis, most Duke students use the bus more than once to get to and from class, work and their dormitories. But does anyone really know anything about this widely used service on campus?
725: Dollars spent per day to operate an average bus for 10 hours, all costs included.
300: Total number of hours all buses for all routes run in one day.
100: Gallons to fill a full tank of gas for one bus.
60: Maximum number of people a bus can hold at one time.
51: Bus operators employed by Duke Transit for the East-West, East-West-Central via
Trent, and Science Drive bus routes.
40: Highest number of bus stops in one bus route.
28: Total buses used per day for all bus routes including the Medical Center and Chapel Hill routes.
24: Number of years since Duke Transit took over running the bus service.
2: Number of miles an East-West bus covers per trip.
Off the cuff
We're sounding like the Durham City Council. Do we really think that growth is always better?
James B. Duke professor of psychological and brain sciences John Staddon, on the motion in a recent Arts and Sciences Council meeting to allow the size of faculty to increase as needed.
We have grown with the times, but the way our major was defined looked like a fossil.
Associate Professor of English Susan Willis, on the new curriculum for the English major.
Notice it's not called Nurses Looking Out for Their Own Butts.
Lynne Burgess, former Duke Hospital employee, on the purpose of Nurses United for Patient Advocacy, a unionization group.
It can't hurt, though, because they have healthier things than most other places on campus.
Freshman Eric Weinberg, on the long wait during the opening of the new campus Subway last month.
Taking a paragraph and changing the words, I've done that before; it wasn't a big deal.
Sophomore Eric Rogers, on plagiarism.
So you were in room 101? I was right above you!
One Woman's College alumna, reminiscing with another on where their rooms were on East Campus.
It's not 'Dawson's Creek,' it's 'Joey's F--in' Creek!' It's all about Joey.
A student on an East-West bus, on the television show Dawson's Creek.
Sources: The Chronicle, The New York Times
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