Letter: Prohibitionists and U.S. drug policies need reform

With earth's past history of racism and America's present technology, prohibitionists and racists have become one in the same ("Forum addresses injustice of drug laws," Nov. 26).

The original prohibition on a national scale was worse than the booze prohibited, and the sequel, now, on an international scale, is worse.

Prohibitionists are out of control, doing great harm to America, for too long.

Another side effect of the war on drugs and the plant cannabis--marijuana--is financing terrorism beyond the conceptions of Al Capone to that of al Qaeda.

America must move toward credible drug law reform and disregard prohibitionists to do so.

At the very minimum, North America must legalize cannabis especially considering the worst side effects of cannabis are police-inflicted.

Caging adult humans for using cannabis is so mean- spirited, repulsive, dysfunctional and sinful that it should be asked if cannabis prohibitionists really even comprehend that they're admitting a desire to cage humans for using a plant?


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