To Sleep, To Shop

What do you want more than an all-campus parking pass? More than a monorail from East to West? More than Brad Pitt on food points? How about SLEEP?!


Here in the Gothic Bubble, it's almost hibernation time, and everybody's feeling it. If you're so tired you're jealous of the squirrels, start preparing for that self-induced coma known as Winter Break now. Stock up on the essential supplies of the season- and no, we're not talking sedatives.


Tis the season for buying PJs, and this winter, the selection is dreamy. If you're not hitting the sacktill after finals, slip into some slippers while you wait. Alice + Sparky's cashmere slippers are soft and sleek, perfect for those midnight treks to the Snapple machines. You can get them at Girlshop ($154 at, and bonus, they come in two shades of pink!


If you're sharing the sheets with someone else, check out the Strawberry Shortcake camisole set (with matching thong) from Urban Outfitters ($32 at It's a little bit sweet and a little bit. yeah, that too.


And if you like to wear your PJs to class, check out the printed sleep pants from Anthropologie ($48 at Stamped with Russian nesting dolls (you know, the ones with a smaller doll, inside the bigger doll, inside the bigger doll.), these pants can pair with your favorite tank top and a hoodie for The Morning After whatever.


When it's finally time to unplug your alarm clock, bedeck your bed with the latest sheets from Joe Boxer. Available online or at K-Mart, Joe Boxer sheets are fun, comfy and best of all, clean-come on, we know you're too tired to do laundry. Your bed is one place where dots and plaids can't clash, so mix and match for a complete Joe Boxer set (


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