Letter: Columnist asks valuable questions about Islam

Dr. Bala Ambati's column asks valuable questions that need to be addressed. Unlike the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's airbrushing away of issues unpalatable for the politically correct apologists of Islamic fundamentalism, Ambati's column faces issues squarely and logically. Those who say the verses at issue are misrepresented should direct their enlightened interpretations of these verses to those who use them to incite violence. In India last week, 32 Hindus were massacred at a Temple in Gandhinaga. In Pakistan, seven Christians were executed in Karachi, the sixth such attack this year on Christians or Westerners. Purportedly, each attack involved radical Islamists.

Indeed, Dr. Ambati's column asks valuable questions. After the events of Sept. 11, his questions deserve serious scrutiny, not angry condemnation or apathetic dismissal. Sadly, we have seen that Isalmic fundamentalists intoxicated with hate can now reach our country and are not just the pox of far away places.


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