Undergraduates have only two more opportunities to see the men's basketball team play at home this season: Wednesday night against Georgia Tech and Feb. 27 against Maryland. Both of these games involve special admissions procedures, so please familiarize yourselves with the rules governing each game.
The Maryland game is a tenting game, with white registration taking place Saturday, Feb. 17, at 9:30 a.m. The Duke Student Government web server has been upgraded to handle the increased density of hits that goes along with white registration. If we do not reach 100 tents Saturday morning, a new tent can be added to the tenting queue at any tent check before the third personal check.
The Georgia Tech game will be Senior Day for the undergraduate section. The senior day policy is slightly different than the policies of the past. At 7:45 a.m. on the day of the game, 200 wristbands will be distributed outside of Cameron Indoor Stadium. These bands will be given to undergraduates regardless of class, and these students will receive highest-priority admission to the game. Senior wristbands will be passed out from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Up to 1,200 of these bands will be distributed, and these students will get second priority for admission to the game. A walk-up line will form on the sidewalk north of the Cameron parking lot for those underclassmen who did not get a wristband either. These students will get in after the seniors on a space-available basis. If you have any questions, please e-mail me at line-monitor@duke.edu. I hope to see many of you in line.
Norm Bradley
Pratt '01
The writer is head line monitor and senior associate sports editor for The Chronicle.
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