As Thursday's big game against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill approaches, I'd like to encourage all students to participate in the Duke basketball experience and consider attending the game.
There is a popular myth around campus that you can't go to the UNC game unless you have spent weeks and weeks in a tent. However, this is far from the truth, as we haven't even filled the undergraduate allotment of space for the last two home UNC games, and we expect to admit hundreds of students from the walk-in line.
The walk-in line will form on the sidewalk bordering the north edge of the Cameron Indoor Stadium parking lot. We will not begin distributing wristbands to this line until 5 p.m. the day of the game. These wristbands will ensure that students cannot sneak into the front of this line without a time commitment during the day.
This line will be self regulated; I will not be conducting checks.
Tenters should expect to be packed into the stadium very tightly, as line monitors want as many students as possible to have the privilege of attending a Duke-Carolina game. Please excuse your lack of space, as every last person will add to the atmosphere Thursday night.
Finally, all tenters, nontenters and other members of the Duke community are invited to hear Coach Mike Krzyzewski speak at 10 p.m. Wednesday outside of the Schwartz-Butters Building. This is always a well-attended and entertaining event.
Norm Bradley
Pratt '01
The writer is Duke Student Government head line monitor and a senior associate sports editor of The Chronicle.
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