As a member of the Duke faculty, I would like to add my voice to those urging everyone to get out and vote in support of the higher education bond referendum on this year's election ballot.
I do so not just in support of our friends and colleagues at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University and North Carolina Central University, but on behalf of our communities and the future of North Carolina. With Duke's increasingly close ties to UNC-witness the Robertson fellows-and NCSU-the new joint graduate program in linguistics-Duke faculty might even be said to have a vested interest in the success of the bond referendum.
But it is really in the interest of the larger community and the state as a whole that I ask everyone connected with Duke to vote yes on the higher education bond issue. The best possible public higher education is essential to us all, and the bond will both meet crucial current needs and also open new possibilities on every campus in the system. Our future is at stake, and our system of public higher education needs to be ready to meet its many challenges in the years and decades to come.
Peter Burian
Professor, Classical Studies
The writer is chair of the Academic Council.
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