University should support freedom of expression

I must say I was dismayed to read the story in the Oct. 20th edition of The Chronicle about someone tearing down anti-abortion posters and displays on the walkway on the Bryan Center. I'm pro-choice myself, but I surely feel that folks with another view ought to be able to express it without fear that their voices will be drowned out. A university of Duke's quality should be a place where freedom of expression is not only respected, but encouraged by all.

It is probably impossible to prevent what was either an act of censorship or vandalism, and I know of no administrative policy anywhere that easily answers all critics on such matters. But is possible for all of us at the University to reaffirm two of the core values of this and any other university worthy of the name: freedom of inquiry and freedom of expression.

Perhaps we can't stop vandalism or censorship, but we don't have to condone it or like it.

John Burness

Senior vice president

Office of Public Affairs


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