Chapel won't marry gays, but takes funds

I was very proud of my University until about the time I graduated in 1986. Shortly afterward, I vowed to withhold all contributions for as long as H. Keith H. Brodie was president. (His failure was his complete disregard for the students and, instead, excessive obedience to the almighty dollar.) Since his departure, I've realized my need to re-evaluate my position. I've found no compelling indication, however, that anything's really improved. Now, you've given me very strong reason to continue my protest.

I am extremely disappointed that the University officially endorses a policy of discrimination and ignorance by disallowing homosexual commitment ceremonies. Am I wrong in expecting the non-denominational chapel to provide services to all University students and alumni? Apparently, my University refuses equal access and treatment on the basis of sexual orientation. Perhaps I should appreciate that my University permits homosexuals to enroll at all!

Congratulations on your negative PR campaign: I've seen your embarrassing policy announced in both gay publications I've picked up this week. I thank them for informing me that my University won't accommodate my commitment ceremony--but I'm sure it will accept my gay dollars. I find it ironic that an institution of higher learning perpetuates such a policy of ignorance.

Robert Johnson

Trinity '86


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