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Lighting up our Duke community - a month of Light Lane

Last month, our campus was graced by a temporary new addition: light-up bikes. Placed alongside the BC Plaza Bridge and at the entrance to the Ruby, at first glance they seem like weird, stationary bikes. But hop on them and you’re in for a novel experience that merges play with sustainability.

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Searching for resonance in a sea of contention: A coming out piece

I feel like my collegiate life has been measured in these cycles of self-beration, self-liberation, self-deliberation and back again, a recognizable oscillation that has served as the drumbeat for my own semblance of self-transformation as a young adult (emphasis on the trans). I’ve spent so long trying to rationalize my reasons for shifting place in a system that is, at its core, irrational, one whose rigidity and unnecessary reinforcement has been the cause of suffering, violence and death for too many people around the world.