Monster energy drink pumps up Sigma Nu

Earlier this semester, Sigma Nu fraternity brothers got a boost of energy at sporting events, parties and study sessions.

The fraternity recently signed a sponsorship with the Monster Energy drink company. In exchange for endorsements such as providing the drink at parties and displaying Monster gear, the company provides Sigma Nu with at least 20 cases of Monster a month.

"[The sponsorship] is just so the kids can have fun and get product and we get advertising," said Cheryl Rizk, Monster Energy marketing manager for colleges and universities. "It's a win-win situation."

Monster contacted Sigma Nu at the start of the semester in a national effort to increase publicity across college campuses, Rizk said.

"We were looking for one frat per campus to sponsor," she explained. "Sigma Nu was the first [from Duke] to respond."

Sigma Nu brothers said they enjoy receiving monthly shipments of the energy drink with minimal work in exchange.

"It's pretty nice," senior Ryan Jones said. "We don't have to pay for mixtures or something we were just drinking before. They want me to write a paragraph each month about what we do, but nothing really happens if we don't."

Jones, appointed as the fraternity's Monster chair, handles all details and information regarding the deal.

Monster's sponsorship of Sigma Nu is uncommon in greek life at Duke, where most sponsorships stem from smaller businesses.

"We've seen, on occasion, more local sponsors at events-whether it's something philanthropic or service-based," said Todd Adams, assistant dean of students for fraternity and sorority life. "But [sponsorships] usually are not from nationally recognized companies."

Although students said national alcoholic beverage companies have approached fraternities with offers of sponsorship in the past, national greek headquarters prohibit such contracts.

"I think image is an important focus as you align yourself with a nationally recognized organization which is why fraternities and sororities do not generally have alcoholic endorsements," Adams said.

Some students said, however, that Monster's sponsorship does not adhere to the sentiment of the rule because Sigma Nu primarily consumes the beverage with alcohol.

Jones said he brings Monster to any event the fraternity hosts or in which it partakes, including sporting events, parties or meetings.

"It's pretty early in the year [to tell how we're using it]," he said. "We definitely use it for partying, but also for studying and sports."

Rizk said Monster provides its drinks when Sigma Nu hosts parties and events, and will deliver additional drinks upon request.

"If there are events we'll put product there," she said. "If there's nothing going on, we won't."

Students attending Sigma Nu functions said they have noticed the Monster product but did not find it to be an overwhelming presence.

"They had other mixers too," sophomore Claudia Gasiorek said.

"Monster was just the only predominant one," she added.

In addition, Sigma Nu's off-campus house contains the majority of the Monster products, leaving little presence in the fraternity's Kilgo Quadrangle section.

"I don't really see it in section, mainly at their house," sophomore Jessica Wirth said. "I've seen it, but no more or less than other drinks."

Rizk said Monster hopes the sponsorship will increase name-brand recognition and consumption of the drink on campus.


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