Letter to the Editor: Christianity embraces individuality

Shadee, I respect your call for individuality, but I think you misunderstand that Christianity or any other religion can restrict you from it. When you said that you would make a "terrible Christian," because of your views and articles, I couldn't help but think that you are misunderstanding Christianity completely.

   God's love is not something you can earn by being a "good" Christian, but it is something we already have.

   For this reason, Christianity lets me embrace my individuality more than any fashion trend ever will. God's unconditional love allows me to be confident enough to wear my pearls or my stilettos, knowing that he accepts me for who I am despite what I wear. All he cares about is what is going on in my heart.

   I am not perfect by any means, nor is any Christian I know, but God's acceptance through Christ has allowed me to see and work on my imperfections. It has allowed me to be more accepting and understanding of others' imperfections and differences and love them for these. God doesn't "thwart" my life in the here and now but enriches every minute of it.

   Whether I am out at Bully's with friends, studying in the library, getting through the pain of a friend's death or singing at Campus Crusade for Christ, my life is rich knowing God is with me. Maybe some see my trust as blind, but I have peace, hope, love and inner joy that nothing in this world can give or take away.

   I am not trying to press my views upon you or anyone else. I would love for others to know and experience the peace and joy I have, but I know that religion is personal, and I am definitely not one to judge what is right or what is going on in your heart. Religion is between your heart and whatever you do or don't believe. I hope that we, as Duke students, can be open-minded enough to embrace our religious diversity, learning and growing from it.

   Amelia Williams
Trinity '06


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