DSG Judiciary: Duke College Republicans did not discriminate against Robinette

The Duke Student Government Judiciary, in a 3-to-1 decision, ruled Tuesday morning that the Duke College Republicans did not discriminate against junior Justin Robinette in impeaching him from the position of chairman last week.

Robinette filed a complaint with the Judiciary shortly after resigning his post with the Duke College Republicans April 15. He alleged that he was removed from the organization’s leadership because he is gay.

“This Court finds the evidence to be neither convincing nor conclusive enough to validate the remaining allegation that the plaintiff was discriminated against due to his sexual orientation,” the majority opinion read. “The Judiciary does not see any organizational discrimination on the basis of the sexual orientation of the plaintiff, and the Judiciary cannot support the plaintiff’s claim.”

The Judiciary spent more than 10 hours considering the case Monday night into Tuesday morning. Justices heard testimony from 22 individuals as they considered what action, if any, to take against Duke College Republicans for allegedly discriminating against Robinette for his sexual orientation.  

 Keep checking dukechronicle.com for updates.


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