Duke Hindu Students Association endorses Kristina Smith for DSG President

Duke Hindu Students Association endorses Kristina Smith for DSG President. After having had the opportunity to meet and speak with all five exceptionally qualified candidates, the HSA executive board is excited to endorse Kristina.

We believe that Kristina would be best able to represent student voices. Her work to establish Daily Devil Deals and a collaboration between the Farmer’s Market and Duke portray her genuine commitment to the good of both the student body and Durham community as a whole. Kristina has impressed us with her promise to promote academic and professional advising for underserved students, support undocumented students and those seeking accessibility reform, and expand gender violence prevention measures. 

One of the most important parts of Kristina’s platform that resonated strongly with us was her demonstration of the need for DSG to actively reach out to smaller religious groups such as Hindu Students Association, and ensure that all religious groups are thus treated fairly and given proper inclusion in the overall campus body. Her expression of that view was very unique, and was a step above and beyond simply supporting increased transparency in SOFC funding. 

We feel that Kristina’s strong leadership skills, in-depth experience with creating sustainable reform, and genuine concern for the welfare of others make her the most fit to represent Duke students.


Radhika Srivastava and Cheenu Tiwari, HSA Presidents, on behalf of the HSA Executive Board

*HSA Exec members Saheel Chodavadia and Meghana Iragavarapu recused themselves from this decision


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