Four finalists from 11 semifinalists have been selected by the Young Trustee Nominating Committee.
The student body will vote on the next Young Trustee from noon Feb. 13 to noon Feb. 14. The finalists include seniors Liz Brown, Bryce Cracknell, Amy Kramer and Chinmay Pandit, wrote sophomore Timothy Skapek, chair of YTNC, in an email. Here are their profiles:
Liz Brown
Senior Liz Brown is studying political science and global health. She is a co-coordinator for the Community Empowerment Fund, vice president of Durham and regional affairs in Duke Student Government and a B.N. Duke scholar.
Bryce Cracknell
Bryce Cracknell is a senior public policy major with a minor in environmental science and policy. He is a Morris K. and Stewart L. Udall Scholar, the president of the Black Men's Union, a member of the Trinity Board of Visitors and a resident assistant.
Amy Kramer
Amy Kramer is a Robertson Scholar and Schwarzman Scholar studying public policy and political science. She is an Army ROTC Cadet, member of the Duke Program in American Grand Strategy Council and is a cohort executive officer of the Penny Pilgram George Women’s Leadership Initiative. She also is a member of Business Oriented Women and a bassoon player in the Duke Orchestra.
Chinmay Pandit
Chinmay Pandit is a senior studying economics and political science. He is the chief-of-staff for the Duke Political Review, a portfolio manager for the Duke Investment Club, a Robertson Scholar and a student representative on the business and finance committee of the Duke Board of Trustees.
This year, Duke Student Government Senate passed an amendment to the by-laws for the Young Trustee Nominating Committee. The amendment changed the minimum number of committee members from 10 to eight and enabled a quorum to be assembled at seven members.
“Lowering the minimum number of committee members does not require us to fill [as many] spots, so we can pick the best people,” said DSG President Riyanka Ganguly, a senior, at the time.
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